

“我的家乡是儿童成长的乐园!”去年,在由联合国儿童基金会组织的第10届亚太可持续发展论坛东亚和太平洋地区儿童友好城市政策代际对话主题边会上,来自湖南湘江新区白箬铺镇的10岁男孩范珈畅与菲律宾纳加市议员Elmer Baldemoro隔空对话,表达他对儿童友好城市的期许,讲述儿童生态友好城镇建设的中国经验。

"My hometown is a paradise for children to grow up!" Last year, at the intergenerational dialogue on child-friendly city policy in the East Asia and Pacific region, a side event of the 10th Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Forum organized by UNICEF, 10-year-old Fan Jiachang from Baimaohu Town, Hunan Xiangjiang New Area, engaged in a virtual conversation with Elmer Baldemoro, a city councilor of Naga, Philippines. Fan shared his expectations for a child-friendly city and told about China's experience in the construction of child-ecological-friendly town.


As a pioneer among the first batch to build child-friendly cities in China, Changsha has actively explored feasible paths for the high-level development of children's cause over the years through planning guidance, project orientation, children's participation, and development navigation. Changsha's demonstration has spread out in the country.

【Author:Kuang Chunlin, Li Suxuan】 【Editor:李苏璇】