“湘”约阿联酋 湖南杂技、非遗走出国门生动演绎“天涯共此时”


Hunan art shows celebrating the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival were staged in Abu Dhabi and Ras Al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) between September 6 and 8, local time. Brilliant programmes such as acrobatic shows, erhu performances, and puppet shows, as well as colorful intangible cultural heritage displays, and photo exhibitions on culture and tourism were brought to audiences in the UAE. 


In Abu Dhabi, 3D-displays with Mid-Autumn Festival themes produced by the China Culture Center in the UAE became internet-famous photo spots outside the theater. Various intangible cultural heritage activities drew many locals, including tea tasting, making dough modellings featuring cute animals, and tying Chinese knots. 


The "Mid-Autumn Festival: A Moment to Remember" global activities were initiated in 2017. Every year before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival, China cultural centers and tourism offices around the world jointly organize a variety of cultural activities to explain the cultural connotations of reunion, harmony and happiness embodied in the Mid-Autumn Festival to people from all over the world.

“天涯共此时——中秋节”全球联动活动创办于 2017 年,每年中秋节前后,世界各地的中国文化中心和旅游办事处会联动举办丰富多彩的文化活动,向各国民众阐释中秋节所蕴含的团圆、和谐、幸福的文化内涵。

This year Hunan held a series of cultural exchange activities in Kuwait and the UAE. These were enjoyed by local residents and reported by local media outlets such as the Kuwait Times, the Arab Times, Abu Dhabi TV, Ras Al Khaimah TV, the Khaleej Times, and RAK Radio. 

今年,湖南文旅在科威特、阿联酋举办的系列文化交流活动得到当地民众的喜爱,被科威特时报、阿拉伯时报、阿联酋阿布扎比国家电视台、哈伊马角电视台、Khaleej Times、RAK Radio等当地媒体报道。

【Author:Xiao Juan】 【Editor:谈诗谊】