不止“塔树共生”奇观 原来长沙还有这些“现象级”的塔



Recently, the People's Daily released a video on its overseas social media platform, promoting a unique scene: a hundred-year-old tree growing on top of the 12-meter-high Xizi Tower in Chating Town, Wangcheng District, Changsha City, to netizens across the world. The harmonious coexistence of a tree and a tower in the video instantly drew global attention, receiving nearly 10,000 likes and nearly 200 reposts from overseas users on the platform within a short time.


In addition to the Xizi Tower, there are many other "phenomenal" tower buildings in the city! Let's take a closer look at these towers in Changsha!

【Author:Huang Huiying; Tan Shiyi】 【Editor:谈诗谊】